Well, since I tend to write more about just life in general...I decided to give Meal Mommy a new lookie loo. After all it is simple...life is complicated. There is so much more to our crazy little world than just Lily's diabetes. It is our background music, as I have said before, but there is so much more to us!
I have my 20 year high school reunion in a couple of months. TWENTY YEARS. I never even thought I'd say I have done something for 20 years as that makes me feel old. So, I bought this cute dress. I came home, dusted off the treadmill and ran, and I restocked my face moisturizer. I should have been doing the latter two for the last twenty years but oh well.
Where has time gone? I see my life in segments.
1. Early Childhood (the Germany years)
2. Elementary School and Alabama
3. The Reston Years (5th-12th grade)
4. Aggie Life (Texas A&M and the craziest time)
5. Tampa (a runaway moment that lasted two years)
6. Single in Houston (this is hazy)
7. Marriage
8. Children (Best time yet)
9. Divorce
10. Post Divorce learning and love (where I am now)
When I left high school, I really left. My parents were in the throes of their divorce and it was not a good time for me so I turned my back and moved to Texas. I didn't keep in touch and I didn't go back but three times since then. It was hard to go back each time because it was like a piece of the life I didn't get. The kids going to my PARENTS house for holidays, me having a "childhood home," etc. If it wasn't for Facebook, I would have no idea where all of my long lost high school friends ended up.
I guess I am one of those that needs to physically move on to move on. I took Lily to a birthday party for her "bff" whose mom was my "bff" prior to divorce. I was hesitant to take her since I hadn't seen these people in so long but she really wanted to go. I ended that day in tears. It was like walking into my life as it was a little over a year ago. The people I was so close to that I no longer see, the kids I no longer see, the neighborhood I no longer am a part of...the life of the stay at home mom that I gave up to find happiness in my heart. It was draining. Emotionally draining. But...it is life. And you move on.
I was told the other day by someone else that once loved me that I sound unstable in my blog. I beg to differ...I am more stable than I have ever been. And I am finally strong enough to face my feelings and live life to the fullest. I am human. I have flaws. I also have strengths. I am not ashamed to share my thoughts...that's all they are, my thoughts. I am just one little person trying to get by and be a good example to my little girls. And I think I am doing a pretty damn good job considering they are both independent and strong.
So, I am going to drag my ass to get a bagel and then go upstairs and run it off. Maybe.