Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Golly the Girls are Coming!!!!

I don't think I've been this excited since I was little and believed in Santa Claus! My babies are on their way home! I cannot wait to put my arms around their little bodies and smother them with kisses. They might just have to sleep with me tonight so I can just eat up every second with them. Big sigh....this is the longest time I have ever spent without them. One whole week...7 days...168 hours...that is too friggin long! I need to breathe. I am just sooooo excited!

A love for your child is such a different kind of love. They consume me. They are my every waking thought. They are the reason for every tiny decision I make daily. They make you humble yet confident, powerless yet strong...it is such a different kind of love from that of a romantic love. I become both a ball of mush when I look at them and a fierce lioness when I want to protect them. Well, I guess maybe that is somewhat the same as any kind of love?!? I definitely feel that way with my "other" as well.

I am anxious to see how Lily's numbers have been too. I have been in touch with them throughout the week but it has been very hectic to talk with the girls or Eric. They are having a blast at his girlfriend's parents' farm. They have had tons of outside time and done nothing but play. I am so happy they were able to go. Otherwise, they would be here sitting around with a sitter while I am at work...and well, that's just no fun at all. And the little break I got allowed me time to spend with the boyfriend and we were able to figure some things out, make plans, get organized, etc. So, as usual, life worked out the way it was supposed to.

So, I can barely sit in my chair and I have work to do! I wonder how far along they are in their drive? I wonder what time they'll be home? I wonder how long I will stare out the front window waiting to see their car? I wonder how long they will let me hug them before they make a bee line for their toys? :)

1 comment:

  1. ENJOY! I cannot even begin to imagine your anticipation Kim!
