Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Break...

We took a break from pumping. I was so distressed about this. I thought I was doing such a huge disservice to Lily by taking her off of the latest and greatest technology. First we lost Dex and then the Omnipod. I have to say though...I am so happy we gave this to her. So happy. She is so happy.

I honestly cannot imagine what it would be like to have to wear something attached to your body every single second of every single day. The burden has got to be unreal. She has such a sense of freedom about her right now. She is so interested in the insulin pen and has been learning how to change the needles, prime it, twist the dial to the correct dose, etc. I know this will pass too and she will become bored with it and probably go back to pumping. And I will go with the flow. She has to have some sort of say in her body, I think. This is all just the opinion of one mommy of a type 1. I do what is best for US and US alone.

I am hoping that maybe she feels a little less different without having her "gadgets" screaming to people that she has something medical going on. Who knows. I am just happy to have given her the opportunity to have our version of a break.

And you can tell from this beautiful look on her face that she is all the happier for it! OH...and I mastered Mexican food tonight. She was 267 at dinner, gave her 3.5 units to cover 50 grams and she went to bed two hours later with a postprandial number of 124. Wahoo!


  1. So cute. We are on MDI and we couldn't be happier. The freedom is immense.

  2. Great job on the BREAK and the Mexican Food! I always think of you guys when I hear about adults taking pump breaks. I think your story is inspirational Kim.

  3. Wonderful! We all do what we do for our kids.

  4. Thanks everyone!! And the Mexican food got screwed up by the one piece of licorice I gave her. UGH! Was 378 at 1:30 AM.

  5. At our diabetes center, even at 8 years, the decision to pump was her choice. They will not prescribe a pump to a child who does not want one (even if her parents do). Their social worker interviews the child alone to ensure this. Your decision to let Lily determine which insulin delivery device to use is the only fair decision you can make, IMO. It's her body. I believe the pump is a superior delivery device, but there are many ways you can achieve the same results on MDI and A1cs can be quite similar. Moms have to take into account the psychological aspects of D care as well. I am glad Lily is happy.

  6. Thats wonderful!! So happy she IS happy, and things are going well. You done good mama!
