Thursday, June 30, 2011

Life in General...

Today feels like the longest day in the world. Camp Rainbow is over...the girls are with their daddy...and I am sitting in the airport waiting for my plane to leave. I feel like it's Christmas and I am waiting for Santa Claus. I haven't seen Matt since Memorial Day and this particular stretch between visits has felt so long for both of us!

I am feeling very fulfilled. I have a job that I am loving. Lily is back to herself. She is wanting a pump again. Abby seems to be blossoming and growing just a little more each day. They seem to have adjusted very well after my divorce. We are finally settled in our home. I have faced some issues that have been dead weight in my life for is good. In fact, it is great.

I always try to have a very positive outlook. I think it is the best thing one can do. When life gets me down, I have learned to allow myself the feelings I am having and to move on. I used to deny those feelings until they manifested into something very large and unbearable to carry around on my little shoulders.

I have learned who my real friends are and most importantly, that I am to choose my friends and not let them choose me. If I meet someone these days that I don't get a good vibe from, I put the brakes on. I have surrounded myself with very positive women that are not afraid to be who they are and don't feel the need to think poorly of others. They just live life and do everything they can to be happy and successful. I have an 1/8th of the friends that I had a year ago but they are 8 times better for me and they have bettered my life. Love you girls!

So, I sit here in the airport waiting and waiting to see my love. The man that has forever changed me. The man that showed me what love is. The man that sends shivers up my spine at the mere thought of him holding my hand. The absolute best friend I have ever had. So, I patiently as I can. My fireworks will be starting this afternoon when my plane lands! Have a good Fourth everyone!
And this is Matt...


  1. Have a fabulous time Kim!!! Your love for Matt is so evident through your writing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
